Funeral homily 'more impact than debate'

Seanad : The concerns about Garda resources articulated by a priest at the funeral Mass of Det Garda Adrian Donohoe would have…

Seanad: The concerns about Garda resources articulated by a priest at the funeral Mass of Det Garda Adrian Donohoe would have more impact than any parliamentary debate on the issue, Leas Cathaoirleach Denis O'Donovan (FF) said.

He had no doubt that the priest had voiced his sentiments with the agreement of the Donohoe family and of all ranks of the Garda, who regarded the issue of resources as a major concern.

Everyone in the Oireachtas needed to reflect on what had been said. Mr O’Donovan said he hoped the Minister for Justice would have the courage to address the points made in the homily during next week’s debate on the issue.

Acknowledging that she was indulging in an outburst, Marie Louise O’Donnell (Ind) said the Seanad had to challenge the Executive with regard to the proposed sale, “under the radar”, of State assets.


If such a stand was not made, they might as well close the doors of the House.

She had never heard a more ridiculous proposition than the separation of trees from the land under the proposal concerning Coillte. Why could this harvesting not be done to the benefit of this State?

Several Labour members had expressed reservations about the sale of State assets.